Thursday 3 July 2014

What's Inside B's Bag Today!

B here...

I always see blog posts about what's inside people's bags and I love to have a nosy, so I thought I'd share with you what's inside my bag today.

I try and alternate my bags regularly, but at the moment my Alexa seems to be getting the most use. I got it last Christmas and I love it. It's the oversized one, so plenty of room for all the stuff I seem to lug around. As you can see, I'm a bit Mulberry obsessed with my make up bag and purse.

I carry quite a bit of make up with me everyday and some essentials are the Bourjois Delice de Poudre Bronzing Powder (£7.99) that smells of chocolate, Collection Bronze Glow Mosaic Powder (£2.99) which I got in my June Glossybox, my EcoTools Bamboo Powder Brush (£9.99), a really good brush that doesn't malt and Smashbox Lip Enhancing Gloss in Pout (£15.00), lovely baby pink colour and not too sticky.

Can't forget my phone, which has the amazing pineapple case from Skinnydip London.

Maybe next time, we'll find a coconut in my bag! (those who watch Sex and the City will get the reference)



  1. I love everything, but you should put bigger photos :)

    1. Thank you! What do you mean by put bigger photos? As in more photos of each item up close or just the image bigger? New to blogging :) x
